Tuesday, August 18, 2009

BSAWA Gathering 2009

Perth, Australia- Last Saturday, Brunei Student Association of Western Australia (BSAWA) held a gathering event at Mill Point, Perth Australia. More than 30 students attended this event. The purpose of this gathering was to elect new committee members for the organisation as well as the introduction of new members. In his appreciation speech, Muhd Nur Khairuddin bin Jumat, as the new President of BSAWA, said that BSAWA is an organisation that helps and gathered all Bruneian students in West Australia. He was also grateful to be elected as a President of BSAWA and will try his best to make the association run actively and efficiently. The other committee members were, Hirman bin Hj Abu and Mat Rusli bin Hj Abu Bakar as the Advisors, Ahmad Afif bin Hj Metassim, Vice President; Amalul Ariffin Hilmi bin Hj Abd Rahman, General Secretary; Ak Md Firdaus Bin Pg Hj Ali and Dk Qalila Bte Pg Hj Md Omar as Secretary; Syazwan bin Suni and Azim bin DP Kamis as Treasurer; and Nurul Adilah Bte Mahmud and Jason Too act as Media and Public Relations Committee.

As an advisor, he highlighted the aim of BSAWA and its importance for all members to know the existence of this organisation. Based on the previous experiences, lots of new students coming to WA have trouble with their accommodation and finding other Bruneian students here. He also stated that BSAWA is like a big family to Brunei students in WA and they can seek help from the committee as well as other members too.

Yesterday event was very successful and the next event will be ‘Tarawih’ prayer since the holy month of Ramadhan is coming soon. Any event will be informed to the students via email by the working committee. For any requirement about this organisation or student who’s looking forward to study in Perth, please do not hesitate to contact us at this email: